zines & art books


Toxoplasma gondii is a brain parasite that alters the fear response in rats so they engage in riskier behaviors which make it more likely for them to end up in a cat’s guts—which is where the parasite wants to be. A large percentage of the human population is infected with this microscopic brain parasite and in otherwise asymptomatic individuals some correlations have been found between latent infections and personality traits or altered behaviors. Most notably, a disregard for rules and authority.

Toxoplasma Press makes available books and art projects which often feature a disregard for rules and authority. They’re designed to alter brain chemistry.


We are a group of friends and collaborators. Artists and writers. Photographers and designers. Contact us: toxoplasmapress (at) gmail (dot) com 

WHY DO...?

Many small presses have announced that they are closing down because of shipping prices, paper and supply shortages, and the generally predatory practices of publishing and distribution industries. What better time to relaunch Toxoplasma Press! We don’t consider a book to be a unit of commerce—a package for an idea to be bought and sold. We create books to be art objects—often hand-bound and specially printed—or as lasting documentation of clandestine or otherwise impermanent art projects.

PDF copies of all our titles will be made available to be read and shared. Limited edition print issues can soon be ordered here—they are fun to hold and flip through and collect—but the site is meant to be an archive to share everything we’ve done.