zines & art books

Another successful release

Never let it be said that Toxoplasma Press doesn’t have access to good venues for a party. The renowned Amiralitetshuset has been standing empty for years and years among the museums and cultural centers on Skeppsholmen with the front doors unlocked for renovation workers to come and go. Toxoplasma Press and all their guests made their way through the labyrinth of unused, empty rooms to pick up their copies of the latest issue of BITS & PIECES. This issue is a collection of photographs of the most profane graffiti ever to be found scribbled on walls, hidden inside hollowed-out hymn books. BITS & PIECES issue 8 was displayed in a wall vault on the third floor while refreshments were served in the kitchen up on five. After our unauthorized celebration, we all left the premises, packing along the coffee grounds and candy wrappers.

More details about BITS & PIECES vol 8 here.